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CAL Playoffs – Schedules Our Double Elimination Playoffs Start on Feb. 17th – Good Luck Everyone
CAL 2nd Shift Transition Program Thursdays at 5:00 PM at the Memorial Centre
Bursary Information Submission Deadline is April 1st
Goalie Clinics Shout Out to Andre & Geoff
Not Receiving e-Mail Notifications – Check Your Junk or Spam Folders

CAL Playoffs Tournament – Scheduling

Playoff  Schedules – Starting Monday Feb. 17th

tournament cupThis years “Double Elimination Playoff Format” is the culmination of our CAL House League hockey programing.

Our playoff games begin on Monday February 17th. U11, U13, U15 & U18 teams played both weeknight and weekend games thru to Thursday February 27th.  In our Double Elimination Playoff Tournament format, teams may play multiple games during the first & second week.    All of which lead up to Championship Day on Saturday March 1st.

Playoff Schedules by Division – *Updated February 4th, 2025

Just a reminder that there are no House League Practices (U11 thru U18), Feb. 17th thru Mar. 1st.

Championship Day Schedules & Results

Schedules will be added once available

Church Athletic League Bursaries

For Continuing Education

Each year, the Church Athletic League supports CAL hockey players in their pursuit of post-secondary education by granting bursaries to eligible CAL participants.  Up to two bursaries will be awarded in recognition of outstanding commitment to community service, athletics and academic excellence.  These bursaries reflect the achievements of young hockey players who are committed to their community, athletics and academic achievement.  The purpose of the bursaries is to help the students to offset the high costs associated with continuing their post-secondary education.

Each approved recipient will receive $750.00 towards their post-secondary education.  Bursary amounts are subject to change depending on available funds.   


All participants in the CAL shall be eligible for the bursaries subject to the conditions below: 

  1. The applicant shall be at least sixteen (16) years of age.
  2. The applicant shall have participated in the CAL for at least 3 years.
  3. The applicant shall attend a post-secondary institution in the upcoming year.
  4. The applicant shall be active in their local community.
  5. Applicants are eligible to receive the bursary only once.

**Note: Children of Members of the CAL Board of Directors are not eligible for CAL Bursaries.

  Partial/Incomplete Submissions will not be considered.

The bursaries are awarded based on the following criteria:

  • Good citizenship;
  • Demonstrated leadership and volunteerism in the community and;
  • Dedication to the values of the Church Athletic League.

The deadline for applying for a CAL Bursary is Tuesday April 1st, 2025. Awardees will be invited to receive their award at the CAL Volunteer Dinner on April 14th 2025 (Pending).

 Application process:

  1. Candidates must complete and submit to the CAL office an application package consisting of the following:
    1. The attached Application Form and Certification of Participation (with signatures);
    2. A one-page letter outlining how they satisfy the selection criteria;
    3. A one-page letter from the applicant’s Minister, Priest, Rabbi, Coach or Association Representative supporting their application.
  2. Upon receiving the application, the CAL will contact the applicant by either mail or email acknowledging the receipt of the application package.
  3. Each application will be reviewed by members of the Board of Directors (Bursary Committee). The successful applicant(s) will be asked to attend a (yet to be determined) CAL Membership or Volunteer Appreciation meeting for a presentation of the award.
  4. Bursary monies will be issued once the successful applicants have provided the CAL office with proof of registration and payment to a post-secondary institution. Bursary monies awarded will be in the form of a cheque in late September.

Bursary Application Package

CAL Coach & Volunteer Awards

Appreciating our Volunteers

Volunteer Image 2

Coach & Volunteer of the Year Nominations

It’s that time of year for you to send in your nominations for our 2024-25 Coach-of-the-Year Award and/or Pat Cooper Volunteer-of-the-Year award.  When doing so, please include some supporting/background information about why you are choosing to nominate this particular person(s) and what makes them deserving of the award. Submissions must be received on or before April 1st, via email to the CAL Office (CLICK HERE TO NOMINATE VIA EMAIL) . 

Volunteer of the Year nominations should be for someone who gives generously of their time, energy and ideas to the Church Athletic League, typically a non-coach who volunteers for their team, Association or the league itself. Award recipients will be honored at our Volunteer Appreciation Dinner, April TBD 2025.

The nomination deadline is Monday April 1st, so send us your nominations today!

Goalie Clinics/Initiatives

Attention Goalies:

Our free Goalie Clinics will be returning in the Fall of 2025 at the Kingston Memorial Centre.

Please click on the link below and fill out the registration/survey form to register your goalie for the clinic. We use this information in order to place your young athlete in a group with goalies of similar age and skill level.

Goalie Clinic Registration Link – Fall 2025 Program – Coming in Sept. 2025

We will start with the basics and build up through the season.

You can visit our Facebook page for more info. Feel free to contact Andre Bouchard or Geoff McDonald if you have any questions at

Remember the most important thing about goaltending is to have fun!

Our goaltender-friendly initiatives will be offered in the CAL again. 

  • Our Goaltender Fee Reductions & Clinics are the foundation for goalie development.

CAL Hockey Registration

Registration for the 2024-25 Church Athletic League Season – Online Registration is Now Available  

Planning is well underway for our 2024-25 hockey season. Registration fees for the upcoming season have been set for each of our house league hockey divisions and are posted on our Registration PageSome Fees have been reduced !

Our online registration is available through the Hockey Canada/My Spordle website.                    Link to our Online Registration click here  

It is important to register your player(s) as early as possible. Registering early will not only increase the likelihood that you can secure a spot for your player for the coming season, but it will also allow us to secure the needed ice time to run our hockey programs.  Please note:

  • We are currently accepting registrations for house league hockey, pre-season skills sessions, and our Panthers/Player Development program. Please note that the online registration program requires a separate registration for each program. 
  • Multi family member discounts (3 or more players) should automatically be applied for your full season/house league programs at the time of registration.
  • We are continuing to offer substantial fee reductions for goalies at the U11, U13, U15 and U18 levels.  

September Pre Season Schedules should be posted to the website in early August. If you have any questions in the meantime, please contact us by email at CAL Office and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.  Access to the Kingston Memorial Centre is somewhat “restricted” during the daytime in the early summer months. The CAL office reopens on Monday, August 14th.

 Link to the Online Registration here   

The Hockey Canada online registration system may look a bit different this year after as Hockey Canada continues to update this “platform”, and overall you should be able to manage all of your hockey registrations from your one family account. 

2024-25 Registration Form   Paper Registration Form 

While online registration is the preferred option, we understand that it may not work for everyone.  If you are registering a player who played in a different organization last year, please contact us by email at CAL Office before attempting online registration and we will assist you with the process.  For players who are not able to register online for any other reason, you will need to download and print our Paper Registration Form, fill it out completely, and you can email the form as an attachment or mail the completed form to us at the address on the form.  Access to the CAL office is “somewhat restricted” during the daytime in the early summer months, as the building is not staffed. Please understand there will be a delay in processing mailed registrations.

2024-25 Registration Form    Paper Registration Form 

CAL Payment Form   Open & Print

Dressing Room Policy


The Ontario Hockey Federation (OHF) released the new Ontario Dressing Room Policy which comes into effect Feb 1, 2024:  The goal of this policy is to increase inclusion for everyone/decrease barriers. The CAL has adopted this policy and asks bench staff to implement “Minimum Attire” and the “Rule of Two” in dressing rooms at ALL levels involving youth under 18.
Read More Here

U8/U9 Future Panthers Program – Starting Oct. 20th

The Church Athletic League is pleased to confirm that our U7, U8 & U9 Future Panthers Development Program will be continuing this season. Our on-ice assessments will be taking place on Friday evening October 20th at 6:00 PM at the Kingston Memorial Centre. If you are interested in this program, our online registration is now open – Click Here to Register for the assessment. This development program is ideal for our 6, 7 & 8 year old’s who are looking to improve their skating and hockey skills. Program is open to both goalies and skaters.

This program offers a one hour ice time each week devoted to this age group, with ice times at the Memorial Centre each Friday evening. The program will span the remainder of our hockey season through until the end of February.

There will be a nominal fee to register online for the assessment, and with a 13- to 14-week program ensuing, our model indicates an additional fee of approximately $250.00 for those selected for the remainder of the season.

If you are interested in assisting with the program – please indicate same via the online Question Set.

Matt Harris Future Panthers Development Coordinator.

Online Registration – Create Your New Account

New this year, Hockey Canada has team up with Spordle and have created a new online registration platform. You will create one single account for your entire family. Add all of your children who are playing hockey and for those parents with Hockey Certifications, you’ll add yourself as well. Simple illustrations are below – do note, the “sign up/create a new account” is in a very small font. Once you have created the account, image 2, click on the small “person” to find/locate/add your children, add yourself. Not many people know their Hockey ID Numbers, simply search using the first & last name and the birthdate. Once located, you’ll add, and you’ll then be able to add additional children and yourself. You should be done, then you can register via the online portal. Parents who are Team Officials, you’ll also use this account for future clinics/certifications, once those become available.   Link to Hockey Canada/Spordle My Account Set Up  Link to CAL Online Registration Page 

Create Your New Account

Respect in Sports – Parents

At the 2013 Ontario Minor Hockey Association’s Annual General Meeting, the OMHA Board of Directors announced the OMHA will move to become a complete ‘Respect’ integrated association effective the 2014-15 season.  The ‘Respect in Hockey’ initiative will require all Team Officials, On-ice Volunteers, On-Ice Officials and now Parents to take the appropriate ‘Respect’ education. 

At least one parent or guardian of each player under the age of 18 registered in minor hockey in the OMHA will need to complete the online Respect in Sport Parent Program as a condition of participation.  Your child(ren) will not be rostered on a team for the coming season until the course is completed.  In other words, if at least one parent hasn’t completed the course, your son(s) and/or daughter(s) will be ineligible to play hockey until such time as the one-hour online education course has been successfully completed.

Please note: If you have previously taken the PRS/SpeakOut or Respect in Sport course as part of your certification as a team official you are still required to complete the Parent Program, as it is a different program.

Also note: If you have previously taken the Respect in Sport Parent Program in association with hockey in another province, you do not have to take it again.  It is automatically linked to your child’s Hockey Canada profile.  If you have taken the Program in association with another sport (e.g., soccer, gymnastics), you do not have to take it again. You can simply add your previous certificate number to your OMHA Parent profile.  Please contact the CAL office at  if you have any questions about how to migrate this certification to your child’s Hockey Canada profile.

What is the Respect in Sport Program for Parents?

The Respect in Sport Program for Parents is a proactive, educational program that empowers parents with the tools to ensure the game is enjoyable and respectful for themselves, their children and all other stakeholders in the game.  The 1 hour online program is geared to providing parents with information on how to evaluate and understand:

  • Parental influence over a child
  • Coach and leader roles in sport
  • Role of the parent and coach in ensuring a child’s enjoyment of a sport
  • Protecting your child when outside of your immediate control
  • Concussion awareness & Return to Play guidelines
  • Long-Term Player Development (LTPD) model

The program will cost $12.00 (plus HST = $13.56) per family.  One parent must be certified per family, after which another parent, step parents, grandparents, kids, etc… can take the program for free by using certified parent’s username and password. The $12.00 is NOT a fee being collected by the CAL, nor is any portion of it being directed back to the CAL.  The CAL has made a conscious decision to not add this cost to the player registration fee as many families have more than one child playing and this would have resulted in those families paying more than was required.  Instead, CAL members are to use PayPal or a credit card to pay your individual course fees.

You can access the program by visiting:

Based on the experiences of others in the CAL who have registered for and completed the course, here are some additional tips you might find helpful:

  1. When associating your profile with your child(ren), you will be required to select an association.  Our association appears on this list as “CHURCH ATHLETIC LEAGUE OF KINGSTON”
  2. If you can’t locate your child, one possibility may be that his or her birthday is wrong in the system. Email your Association Representative who will try to help you with this.
  3. Payment can be made by a Paypal account, or using a credit card.  If you don’t have a credit card, you can set up a Paypal account at no charge, and link it to your bank account for payment purposes.
  4. After you have associated your child(ren) and completed payment, click the word “English” from the top menu bar and follow instructions from there.

The Respect in Sport certification is a Hockey Canada initiative first adopted by Hockey Alberta in 2012 and has been adopted by the OMHA. It is an opportunity to create greater awareness amongst us all about our roles within sports for our children and remind us all of what is truly important about sports and children.  The Church Athletic League fully supports the OMHA’s adoption of this certification effort.

Thank you for your attention to this important matter.