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Respect in Sports – Parents

At the 2013 Ontario Minor Hockey Association’s Annual General Meeting, the OMHA Board of Directors announced the OMHA will move to become a complete ‘Respect’ integrated association effective the 2014-15 season.  The ‘Respect in Hockey’ initiative will require all Team Officials, On-ice Volunteers, On-Ice Officials and now Parents to take the appropriate ‘Respect’ education. 

At least one parent or guardian of each player under the age of 18 registered in minor hockey in the OMHA will need to complete the online Respect in Sport Parent Program as a condition of participation.  Your child(ren) will not be rostered on a team for the coming season until the course is completed.  In other words, if at least one parent hasn’t completed the course, your son(s) and/or daughter(s) will be ineligible to play hockey until such time as the one-hour online education course has been successfully completed.

Please note: If you have previously taken the PRS/SpeakOut or Respect in Sport course as part of your certification as a team official you are still required to complete the Parent Program, as it is a different program.

Also note: If you have previously taken the Respect in Sport Parent Program in association with hockey in another province, you do not have to take it again.  It is automatically linked to your child’s Hockey Canada profile.  If you have taken the Program in association with another sport (e.g., soccer, gymnastics), you do not have to take it again. You can simply add your previous certificate number to your OMHA Parent profile.  Please contact the CAL office at  if you have any questions about how to migrate this certification to your child’s Hockey Canada profile.

What is the Respect in Sport Program for Parents?

The Respect in Sport Program for Parents is a proactive, educational program that empowers parents with the tools to ensure the game is enjoyable and respectful for themselves, their children and all other stakeholders in the game.  The 1 hour online program is geared to providing parents with information on how to evaluate and understand:

  • Parental influence over a child
  • Coach and leader roles in sport
  • Role of the parent and coach in ensuring a child’s enjoyment of a sport
  • Protecting your child when outside of your immediate control
  • Concussion awareness & Return to Play guidelines
  • Long-Term Player Development (LTPD) model

The program will cost $12.00 (plus HST = $13.56) per family.  One parent must be certified per family, after which another parent, step parents, grandparents, kids, etc… can take the program for free by using certified parent’s username and password. The $12.00 is NOT a fee being collected by the CAL, nor is any portion of it being directed back to the CAL.  The CAL has made a conscious decision to not add this cost to the player registration fee as many families have more than one child playing and this would have resulted in those families paying more than was required.  Instead, CAL members are to use PayPal or a credit card to pay your individual course fees.

You can access the program by visiting:

Based on the experiences of others in the CAL who have registered for and completed the course, here are some additional tips you might find helpful:

  1. When associating your profile with your child(ren), you will be required to select an association.  Our association appears on this list as “CHURCH ATHLETIC LEAGUE OF KINGSTON”
  2. If you can’t locate your child, one possibility may be that his or her birthday is wrong in the system. Email your Association Representative who will try to help you with this.
  3. Payment can be made by a Paypal account, or using a credit card.  If you don’t have a credit card, you can set up a Paypal account at no charge, and link it to your bank account for payment purposes.
  4. After you have associated your child(ren) and completed payment, click the word “English” from the top menu bar and follow instructions from there.

The Respect in Sport certification is a Hockey Canada initiative first adopted by Hockey Alberta in 2012 and has been adopted by the OMHA. It is an opportunity to create greater awareness amongst us all about our roles within sports for our children and remind us all of what is truly important about sports and children.  The Church Athletic League fully supports the OMHA’s adoption of this certification effort.

Thank you for your attention to this important matter.