Trainers are responsible for the health and well-being of all members of the team. While the training and the experience vary from person to person, they are in a position to provide sound advice on the emergency response scenarios, the prevention of incidents and the protection of the players and staff. The trainer is also the primary point of contact in the invent of injuries and situations affecting the well-being of the individuals on their team.

Head Trainer
The CAL has a head trainer who is available to support, help, and answer questions regarding player safety within our league. If you have a concern or thought be sure to reach out to the head trainer.
Trainers Requirements
In addition to being familiar and adhering to the CAL Handbook, trainers in the CAL must meet & maintain the requirements for team trainers as outlined by Hockey Development Centre of Ontario. A trainer must:
Trainers Training
The Hockey Trainer Certification Program [HTCP] is a risk management and safety education program for the volunteer hockey trainer. The ultimate goal of the program is to have all Hockey Trainers implement effective risk management on their own teams, where safety is the first priority at all times, both on and off the ice.
- CLICK HERE to complete your HTCP hockey trainers certification or refresher.
Rowan’s Law
The Ontario Government has enacted Rowan’s Law (Concussion Safety), 2018, S.O. 2018, c. 1 (“Act”). Ontario Regulation 161/19, the Act requires all sport organizations as defined in the Regulation (“Sports Organization”), which includes the Ontario Hockey Federation (“OHF”), to have a Concussion Code of Conduct. This Concussion Code of Conduct must require participants, as set out in the Act, to review the Ontario Government’s issued Concussion Awareness Resources on an annual basis. A participant is subject to a Concussion Code of Conduct for each Sports Organization a participant registers with.
- CLICK HERE NOW to review and sign your Rowan’s Law Acknowledge Form.
Commonly Used Forms
- Return to play form
- Medical Information Form: Must be completed by each player every season.
Other Trainers Resources
- OMHA Trainers Education: Official OMHA Trainers Page
- OMHA Trainers Resources: Emergency Action Plan, Injury Reporting, Forms, Concussions, Responsibilities, etc…
- HTO: Hockey Trainers Ontario information and trainers course
- MUST DO’S: Must do’s for every hockey trainer
- Medical Information Form: Must be completed by each player every season.
- Concussion Guidelines: Concussion Guidlines for Coaches & Trainers from Parachute Canada