COVID-19 Safety Monitor Responsibilities
Each team will be required to name a “COVID-19 Safety Monitor” who will be responsible to receive and relay all COVID-19 related updates to the team. Ideally, each team should have 2 adults trained in this role so that if one is unavailable someone else is able to fill in the gap.
The COVID-19 Safety Monitor will be responsible for completing a “CAL Pre-Screening Acknowledgement Form” for their team prior to each practice and game. This will require them to be at the rink 15-20 minutes prior to each scheduled ice time. They will stand 6 feet away from the City of Kingston’s Contact Tracing/Self Screening Table and watch to verify that each participant and their parent/guardian entering the building has completed the self-assessment. Once a player and their accompanying adult have self-assessed and signed in with the City of Kingston, they will then approach their team’s COVID-19 Safety Monitor to confirm that they passed self-screening and that their contact information is accurate. Only then may they enter the facility. The COVID-19 Safety Monitor will then initial the form to confirm that each participant passed verbal screening and is able to participate.
It is the COVID-19 Safety Monitor’s responsibility to track how many spectators are present for their team and to confirm with the other team’s COVID-19 Safety Monitor that the combined total number of spectators does not exceed 25 per ice time. As a rule, each player under the age of 18 is permitted to have ONE spectator sign in with them per session. Bench staff do not count towards the 25-person limit (they are not in the spectator stands), so their spouse/partner may attend as part of the “one spectator in the stands per player” rule. The spouse/partner of the acting COVID-19 Safety Monitor may also have a spouse/partner enter with their player, so that they can help get the player ready while the Safety Monitor performs his or her duties.
Once everyone is signed in and accounted for, the COVID-19 Safety Monitor will send an electronic copy of the team’s “CAL Pre-Screening Acknowledgement Form” to
If a player cannot participate in hockey for any reason related to COVID-19, the COVID-19 Safety Monitor must ensure that the participant is aware of all KFL&A Public Health and CAL COVID-19 Protocols and that they do not attend any team events until cleared.