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Church Athletic League of Kingston

Article 1: Name

This association shall be known as the Church Athletic League of Kingston, hereinafter referred to as the CAL. The official name of the CAL, its Logo or any other registered trademark may only be used with the written permission of the Board of Directors.

Article 2: Mission Statement

  • Promote values consistent with religious principles and good citizenship.
  • Provide recreational athletic programs for all youth.
  • Create an atmosphere of mutual respect, appreciation, fun and understanding among all participants.
  • Encourage the development of good character through the leadership provided by coaches, managers and other volunteers.
  • Ensure that all participants are treated fairly regardless of ability.

Article 3: Membership

The membership of the League shall consist of Participating Members, General Members, Voting Members and Associate Member:


Open to all persons participating in the current hockey season. Each participant shall receive membership but no voting privilege, except those who are at least 18 years of age, upon the acceptance by the Board of a completed and signed registration form along with the corresponding registration fee. Each registered team official will have voting privileges.


Open to parents or legal guardians of participants in the League in the current hockey season. Parents or guardians shall receive membership upon submission and acceptance by the League of a completed and signed registration form for each participant along with the corresponding registration fee. A general member shall receive one (1) voting right.

Example of voting rights:

1 Player

1 Parent

1 Vote

1 Player

2 Parents

2 Votes**

2 Players

1 Parent

1 Vote

2 Players

2 Parents

2 Votes

** amended at the AGM November 2012


In addition to 3.1 and 3.2, voting members are members of the Board of Directors, the Executive Committee and Hockey Committee members that are selected or appointed by the Board of Directors.


Fort Henry Heights Minor Hockey Association will have the same rights and privileges as those in Sections 3.1 – 3.3.


Although it is possible for a member to be qualified for more than one (1) class of membership in the Association, no person may hold more than one (1) class of membership. It is therefore mandatory that each member shall declare himself prior to the start of any meeting of the membership class he wishes to represent. Once the meeting is called to order, the member must remain in that class of membership and may not change to another category or class of membership until the meeting has been adjourned.

Article 4: Fiscal Year

The fiscal year of the association shall commence on the 1st day of September in each year and end on the 31st day of August the following year.

Article 5: Governance of the CAL


The Board of Director of the CAL shall consist of the following members:

  1. President
  2. Vice-President
  3. Chair of Hockey Committee
  4. Secretary
  5. Treasurer
  6. Immediate Past President
  7. Five (5) members-at-large.


  1. At its first meeting following the general meeting, the Board of Directors shall select, from amongst the members of the Board, standing committee chairs, special committee chairs, e.g. Fundraising and Sponsorships, Nominating, Public Relations (Communications), Financial Assistance/Bursary, CPIC and Abuse & Harassment Prevention Committee, and other committees that may arise.
  2. The Board of Directors shall be empowered to amend or overrule decisions that are made by any Committee which may be deemed to be harmful to the operation and public image of the CAL.


  1. Shall set strategy and policy to achieve the mission and objectives of the CAL.
  2. Shall resolve all difficulties arising from extra ordinary situations not provided for in this Constitution.
  3. Shall ensure due process in the implementation and adhere to the reporting structure of Board of Directors to Committees and to Sub-Committees.
  4. Shall appoint annually, a Chartered Accountant to prepare an audited financial statement prior to the Annual General Meeting. This report is to be presented by the Treasurer at the Annual General Meeting.
  5. Shall meet monthly or as required.

5.1.3 QUORUM:

A quorum for a Board of Directors meeting shall be 50% + 1 directors. No business of the Board shall be transacted in the absence of a quorum.


Each Director present at a Board Meeting shall be entitled to one (1) vote. The Chair or Co-Chair presiding at the Board Meeting shall have a vote only in the event of a tie vote.

5.1.5 Electronic Voting:

The following procedures will be used when an electronic vote is taken by the CAL Board of Directors between meetings:

  1. The President or designate shall propose a motion with the name of a seconder along with a rationale and e-mail it to the members of the CAL Board of Directors;
  2. Members of the CAL Board of Directors shall vote by return e-mail via reply all within 5 days of receipt of the motion;
  3. A quorum of the CAL Board of Directors must vote on the motion or it is deemed lost;
  4. The President shall declare the motion passed or lost and inform the CAL Board of Directors;
  5. The motion and its disposition shall be reported as information at the next CAL Board of Directors meeting and the minutes shall include that report.


Proxies will not be permitted. Members must be present in person at Annual General Meetings and/or General Meetings of the Membership in order to exercise their voting rights in relation to matters coming before an Annual General Meeting or General Meeting of the Membership.

matters coming before an Annual General Meeting or General Meeting of the Membership.

5.2  The Executive Committee:

The Executive Committee of the CAL shall consist of not more than the following members:

  1. President
  2. Vice-President
  3. Secretary
  4. Treasurer
  5. Immediate Past President.

5.2.1   Power of the Executive Committee:

  1. Shall be empowered to take care of the day to day operations of the league.
  2. Shall be empowered to suspend or discipline any coach, manager, player, member or any other official connected with the CAL who does not uphold Article 2 or discredits the CAL and its programs in any other way.
  3. All other decisions will require a Board of Directors quorum.

5.2.2       Duties of the Executive Committee:

  1. Shall prepare annual reports of its proceedings during the year and shall submit such reports to the Board of Directors for approval and for ratification at the Annual General Meeting or General Meeting.
  2. Shall keep an itemized account of all receipts and disbursements and report such annually to the Board of Directors for approval and for ratification at the Annual General Meeting or General Meeting.
  3. Shall oversee the collection and disbursements of monies on behalf of the CAL and its programs.
  4. Shall be the custodian of all monetary and physical property of the CAL.
  5. Shall meet monthly or as required.

5.2.3       Quorum:

Three (3) officers shall constitute a quorum of the Executive committee.

5.3       Duties of the Officers:

5.3.1       The President shall:

  1. Represent the Association in the Community;
  2. Act as the Chair of the Board at all meetings including those of the Executive, Board of Directors, Annual, General and Special Meetings and to have a deciding vote only;
  3. Be ex-officio member of all standing committees;
  4. See to it that all business is transacted in the proper order and expedited as much as possible and that the members observe the rules of order and decorum;
  5. Have the power on the recommendation of the Board of Directors to replace any appointed member, league representative or member of the Board who they feel is not fulfilling his or her duties;
  6. Formally call to order and adjourn all meetings over which he presides;
  7. Place before the floor every motion that is made and seconded according to the rules of order and clearly state the question before the vote is taken;
  8. Remain impartial;
  9. In order to address a pending question, the chair shall relinquish to the vice chair. The chair may speak to state matters of fact or to inform the floor regarding points of order;
  10. Have, and duly exercise, the prerogative of declaring a motion or person out of order. In the case that this ruling is disputed, the floor shall sustain or reject the ruling by majority vote;
  11. Not preside in any matter in which he has a conflict of interest;
  12. When a point of order is raised, the chair must make a ruling at once. The ruling may be reversed by a majority vote if any member is dissatisfied with the ruling of the chair and appeals to the floor.

5.3.2       The immediate Past President shall:

  1. Be a member of the Executive Committee;
  2. Act as an advisor to the Executive and the Board of Directors and assist the President;
  3. Chair the Nomination and Elections Committee;
  4. Carry out duties as assigned by the Board, Executive Committee or the President.

5.3.3       The Vice-President:

  1. Shall perform the duties of the President in the latter’s absence or at his request. When acting as the President, the Vice-President shall have all the rights and powers of the President as set out in Article 5.3.1 (1 to 12);
  2. Monitor adherence by the Board to all existing Policies and inform the Board with respect to any inconsistencies existing between current policy and a proposed policy;
  3. May hold the position of Chair of any standing committee;
  4. Shall assist the President with communications;
  5. Carry out duties as assigned by the Board, Executive Committee or the President.

5.3.4       The Secretary:

  1. Shall issue notices of all meetings of the Board of Directors, the Executive Committee, Annual, General and Special Meetings and maintain records of proceedings and correspondence from these meetings;
  2. Shall report same at each regular Annual General Meeting and General Meeting;
  3. Shall maintain records of all proceedings for all Committees, compile and maintain records of policies and procedures for future reference;
  4. Recommend policy to the Board regarding internal and external communications of the Association;
  5. Shall take attendance at the Executive Meetings and the Board of Director Meetings. Shall report any Director that is not compliant with the attendance Bylaw 1 to the Board of Directors for action;
  6. Carry out duties as assigned by the Board, Executive Committee or the President.

5.3.5       The Treasurer:

  1. Ensure adherence to and implementation of financial policies in the financial administration of the Association;
  2. Shall evaluate, review and recommend financial policy to the Board;
  3. Present a Report from the previous year and a projected financial position for the current year to the Membership at the Annual General Meeting;
  4. Shall receive all monies due and payable to the Association and shall maintain proper records of receipts and expenditures;
  5. Shall present a full and detailed account of receipts and expenditures to the Executive committee and the Board of Directors quarterly, and a fully reviewed statement by the auditor at the Annual Meeting;
  6. All cheques drawn on the account(s) of the CAL shall be signed by two of the following officers: President, Vice-President, Secretary or Treasurer.
  7. Carry out duties as assigned by the Board, Executive Committee or the President.

5.3.6       Chair of Hockey Committee

  1. Chair all hockey committee meetings.
  2. Report to the Board regarding hockey league operations and/or issues arising from Hockey Committee Meetings;

Article 6: Amendments to the CAL Constitution or By-Laws

  1. The Executive and a Member in good standing may recommend amendments to the By-Laws of the Association from time to time.
  2. If the Executive intends to discuss amendments of the By-Laws of the Association at an Executive Meeting, written notice of such intent shall be sent by the Secretary to each member of the Board not less than ten (10) days before such Meeting.
  3. Changes to the constitution may be made only at the Annual General Meeting or the General Meeting duly called by the Executive Committee.
  4. Changes to the By-Laws may be made at any Annual General Meeting or General Meeting.
  5. Any non-material changes to the Constitution and/or By-Laws such as typos, name changes (ex. ODMHA to OMHA) or deletion of sections that are no longer applicable, may be made by the Executive Committee at any Executive Meeting providing there is a quorum and 2/3 majority vote in favor of the proposed change.
  6. The Executive may adjourn any motion of amendments to the Constitution or its By-Laws, which it deems, in its arbitrary discretion, may be against the best interest of the Association but only until the next Annual General Meeting.
  7. The Constitution or By-Laws of the CAL may be amended by a 75 % majority vote of the full membership of the Board of Directors and it must be ratified by a two-thirds majority vote of those present at the first subsequent Annual General Meeting, General Meeting or Special General Meeting.
  8. A quorum for the Annual General Meeting, General Meeting, or a Special General Meeting shall be 20 voting members.
  9. Notice of the proposed amendments must be communicated (via website) to the membership no less than 30 days prior to the Annual General Meeting, General Meeting or Special General Meeting.

By-Laws: Church Athletic League of Kingston

Whenever the words ‘he’, ‘his’, are used in the By-Laws, they may be interpreted as ‘she’, ‘her’ as applicable.


By-Law 1: Executive and Board of Directors

  1. Any Director of the CAL who is absent without due notification from two (2) consecutive Executive Meetings or Board of Directors Meetings shall be deemed to have resigned his position. The Board reserves the right to adjudicate conditions of attendance at Board Meetings based on special circumstances surrounding the Officer in question.
  2. Any Director of the CAL that is absent without due notification from three (3) out of any six (6) consecutive Executive Meetings or Board of Directors Meetings, the Director shall be deemed to have resigned his position. The Board reserves the right to adjudicate conditions of attendance at Board Meetings based on special circumstances surrounding the Officer in question.
  3. If a position has been declared vacant by the Board of Directors, the Board of Directors may appoint a replacement member that is in good standing from the CAL Membership until the next general election at the next General Meeting.
  4. In the event of a vacancy occurring for any other reason, the Board of Directors may fill the vacancy with a temporary appointment.
  5. In the event of a vacancy, the Board shall invite one of the unsuccessful candidates who ran for office at the last election to the fill the vacancy on the board.
  6. The Board shall appoint a replacement member within thirty (30) days after the Board position have been vacated.
  7. Directors shall serve without remuneration and no director shall indirectly or directly receive any remuneration, salary or profit from the position of Director or for any service rendered to the Association.
  8. The Board of Directors may establish policies relating to the reimbursement of Directors for reasonable expenses incurred in the performance of their duties as Directors of the Association. Any reimbursement to a member of the Board of Directors for services rendered shall require advance approval by the Board of Directors.

By-Law 2: Election of Executive and Directors

  1. Only persons who are 18 years of age as of January 1 of the current year who are members in good standing are entitled to hold office on the CAL Executive Committee or Board of Directors.
    1.  Each nominee for Presidernt shall have served on the Board for one (1) of the last three (3) years.
  2. Executive Members, Chair of Hockey Committee and Members-at-large shall be elected at the General Meeting.
  3. Executive Members, Chair of Hockey Committee and Members-at-large must be in good standing.
  4. The terms of office for the Executive members are as follows:
    1. President – 3 years
    2. Past-President – by virtue of office
    3. Vice-President – 2 years
    4. Secretary – 3 years
    5. Treasurer – 2 years
  5. No more than five (5) Members-at-Large the Communications Officer and Chair of Hockey Committee shall be elected to hold office for a term of two (2) years from the date of their election or until the second annual meeting of members, whichever occurs first.
  6. The Nominations Committee shall announce the available positions on the Board of Directors of the CAL website for a minimum of thirty (30) days prior to the General Elections.
  7. Nomination forms for Board positions shall be available from the Secretary no less than thirty (30) days prior to the General Elections.
  8. A nomination form must be completed by the nominee, the nominator and the seconder who are members in good standing in the Association.
  9. Nominations of Board Members may come from the floor during the General Meeting provided the consent of the nominee has been obtained and said nominee is in good standing. If the nominee is absent, said nominee must have given his consent to stand for nomination.
  10. Elections of the Board Members shall be performed by secret ballot distributed to the eligible voting Members that are in attendance at the General Meeting. (as per Article 3 – Membership)
  11. A member of the Board may resign his membership on the Board by submitting a letter of resignation to the President of the Association.

By-Law 3: Committees

  1. All meetings are at the call of the Chair of the particular committee. Upon the direction of the Board of Directors the President may also call a meeting of the committee.
  2. If the Chair of a committee is not present at a committee meeting, the members shall elect a chair for that meeting.
  3. Minutes of meetings or committee reports shall be presented at the next regular meeting of the CAL Board of Directors.
  4. All committees are responsible to the Board of Directors.
  5. All committees must report to the Board of Directors.
  6. All sub-committees that are created shall report issues and/or findings to the main committee that struck it. All recommendations that are forwarded by a sub-committee shall be debated at the main committee level. The main committee may make changes or recommendations, and will present the issues and/or findings to the Board of Directors at the next Board of Directors meeting.
  7. When a sub-committee is struck by the Executive Committee, all issues and findings shall be reported to the Executive Committee.

By-Law 4: Meetings

  1. All Executive Committee and Board of Directors Meetings shall be at the call of the President or Vice-President. If for any reason a Board of Directors Meeting has not been held within two weeks after being requested by three (3) members of the Executive or five (5) members of the Board of Directors, a meeting must be called and chaired by the Vice-President within 48 hrs.
  2. The Annual General Meeting shall be held at such a date, place and hour as determined by the Executive each year no later than November 30th.
  3. The General Meeting shall be called between May 1st and June 30th of each year to elect new Board members.
  4. The Order of business at the above meeting shall be as follows:
    1. Opening prayer.
    2. The president introduces agenda for acceptance.
    3. Reading and adoption of the minutes of the previous general meeting(s).
    4. Business arising from the minutes.
    5. Communication report.
    6. Treasurer report.
    7. Presidents report
    8. Committee report.
    9. Election of officers as applicable
    10. Amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws as applicable.
    11. Other Business
    12. Adjournment
    13. Closing prayer
  5. A Special General Meeting of the Association may be called at any time by 2/3 majority vote of the Board of Directors. A special General Meeting must be called by the Board of Directors if requested in writing, and accompanied with the agenda items to be discussed by no fewer than thirty (30) voting members.
  6. The order of business at each Annual General Meeting shall be as follows:
    1. Opening prayer.
    2. The president introduces agenda for acceptance.
    3. Reading and adoption of the minutes of the previous general meeting(s).
    4. Business arising from the minutes.
    5. Communication report.
    6. Treasurer report.
    7. Presidents report
    8. Committee reports.
    9. Amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws.
    10. Other Business
    11. Adjournment and closing prayer
  7. In case there is any dispute about proceedings during meetings, Roberts Rules of Order shall apply.
  8. Minutes shall be kept for all meetings of all committees. Summary reports of meetings will be available online within 60 days of the meeting.

By-Law 5: Notice of Meetings

Notice of the Annual or Special General Meeting or Board of Directors meeting shall be sent to the members of the Board of Directors at least five days prior to the date set for the meeting. A notice of the Annual or Special General Meeting and the purpose shall be given to all eligible voting members of the Association by advertisement in the local paper at least five days prior of the meeting date.

By-Law 6: Fees

The Board of Directors shall approve fees, annually, as required by the individual division or programs.

By-Law 7: Rulings

The Board of Directors shall keep records of all of its decisions pertaining to rules, regulations, appeals, etc. Where relevant these shall become official operating procedures of the Association.

By-Law 8: Conflict of Interest

  1. Every Director who directly or indirectly has an interest in a proposed or existing contract, transaction or other matter relating to the Association, shall make a full and fair declaration of the nature and extent of the interest at a Board Meeting.
  2. The declaration of a conflict of interest shall be made at the Board Meeting at which the question of entering into the contract, transaction or other matter is first taken into consideration. If the Director is not present at the Board Meeting at which the question is posed, the Director must make the declaration at the next Board Meeting.
  3. After making such a declaration, the Director shall not vote on such a contract, transaction or pertinent matter. Nor shall he be counted in the quorum and may not participate in any discussion with respect to the contract, transaction or pertinent matter.
  4. Any member of the Board of Directors who perceives another Director to be in conflict of interest in a matter under consideration is to raise this concern with the President. The President will discuss the matter with the board member who is perceived to be in conflict and, as appropriate, with the reporting board member. If the discussions do not lead to a resolution, the matter shall be brought to the board and the board shall determine by majority vote whether a conflict exists. The member perceived to be in conflict is to refrain from voting.
  5. If a member of the Board of Directors or Executive participates in activities with interests conflicting with those of the CAL, his office may be declared vacant by a 2/3 majority vote of the Board of Directors.
  6. If a member of the Board of Directors or Executive fails to declare a conflict of interest his office may be declared vacant by a 2/3 majority vote of the Board of Directors.
  7. A person is in conflict of interest when he participates in a decision which could specifically benefit him or his immediate family or close associates.
  8. Members of the Board of Directors, members of the Executive Committee or any other committee must declare a conflict of interest.
  9. If a committee member participates in activities with interests conflicting with those of the CAL, his office may be declared vacant by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.
  10. If a committee member fails to declare a conflict of interest, his office may be declared vacant by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.

By-Law 9: Advertising

  1. Sponsored commercial advertising is permitted.
  2. All sponsorship agreements made by members of the Association must be approved by the Executive.

By-Law 10: Code of Conduct

  1. The CAL Code of Conduct identifies the standard of behavior which is expected of all CAL members, including players, coaches, parents, directors, staff and guardians.
  2. The CAL is committed to providing a sports environment in which all individuals are treated with respect.
  3. Members of the CAL shall conduct themselves at all times in a fair and responsible manner.
  4. Members shall refrain from comments or behaviors which are disrespectful, offensive, racist or sexist.
  5. Behavior which constitutes harassment or abuse will not be tolerated by the CAL.
  6. During the course of all CAL activities and events, members shall avoid behavior which brings the CAL into disrepute which includes but not limited to, abusive use of alcohol and non-medical use of drugs.
  7. The CAL recognizes the Canadian Policy on Penalties for Doping in Sport.
  8. CAL members shall, at all times, adhere to CAL operational policies, procedures and rules governing CAL events and activities.
  9. CAL members shall, at all times, adhere to rules governing any competitions in which the member participates on behalf of the CAL.
  10. Members of the CAL shall not engage in any activity or behavior which interferes with competition or with any player’s preparation for competition, or which endangers the safety of others.
  11. Failure to comply with this Code of Conduct may result in the member losing the privileges that come with membership in the CAL, including the opportunity to participate in CAL activities.

By-Law 11: Committees Structure and Functions


  1. Shall consist of the following members:
    1. President
    2. Vice-President
    3. Treasurer
    4. Two (2) members appointed by the Board of Directors.
  2. Shall advise the Board of Directors on financial affairs of the CAL.
  3. Shall prepare a budget to be presented to the Board of Directors at its meeting immediately prior to the Annual General Meeting.
  4. Refer to By-Law 3.


  1. Shall be made up of the following members:
    1. Chair of Hockey Committee
    2. Head conveners of House league
    3. Convener of Player Development
    4. Association representatives – one from each organization
    5. Ice Scheduler – Ex officio, non voting
  2. The Hockey Committee is accountable to the CAL Executive in all matters and undertakings, including financial.
  3. Appoints the members of the player distribution committee
  4. The Hockey Committee shall be responsible to ensure that all decisions that are taken by the Board of Directors are implemented.
  5. Refer to By-Law 3.


  1. The Player Development (PD) Program is not a representative program.
  2. The PD committee shall consist of the following members:
    1. Head Convenor of PD – chair
    2. Managers or delegated representative of each PD team.
  3. The PD committee shall be responsible for the PD program.
  4. Refer to By-Law 3.


  1. The Financial Assistance shall consist of the following three (3) voting members:
    1. Vice-President
    2. Treasurer
    3. Board member
  2. Shall review all applications for financial assistance and award assistance where deemed appropriate.
  3. Shall report to the Executive committee the number of recipients of financial assistance and the total amount awarded.
  4. The application forms of all recipients shall be kept on file.
  5. Refer to By-Law 3.


  1. The Bursary Committee shall consist of the following three (3) voting members:
    1. President
    2. Vice-President
    3. Treasurer
  2. Shall review all complete applications received by the deadline.
  3. Shall select the annual Bursary recipients in accordance with the established criteria.
  4. Bursary monies will be issued only after proof of registration in the form of a receipt for tuition paid at a University, College or Vocational School.
  5. Refer to By-Law 3.

By-Law 12: Appeals

  1. Appeals will only be accepted in writing and must be submitted to the CAL office within 48 hours of the decision that is being appealed.
  2. Appeals must be presented to the committee that is responsible for the program or policy.
  3. Appeals must be accompanied by a deposit of $50.00 for organizations and $25.00 for individuals.
  4. All decisions made by the program committee pertaining to rules of play shall be final.

By-Law 13: Abuse and Harassment

  1. The CAL will not condone any behavior which is insulting, intimidating, humiliating, offensive or physically harmful.
  2. The CAL shall always place the child’s best interest first. In sports this means ensuring that players are treated with respect and integrity – emotionally, socially, intellectually, physically, culturally and spiritually
  3. CAL’s policy is that any personnel (part-time and full-time staff, volunteer, participant or team official) or member (parent or guardian) who has reasonable grounds to suspect that a participant is, or may be suffering, or may have suffered from emotional, physical abuse and neglect and/or sexual abuse shall immediately report the suspicion and the information on which it is based to the local child protection agency and/or local police detachment.
  4. The CAL strictly adheres to the screening and selection process for all staff and volunteers.

By-Law 14: Policies and Procedures Manual

The current policies, procedures and processes of the CAL must be maintained in a manual kept in the CAL office. It will be available to all members of the CAL.

By-Law 15: Registration Fees

  1. Registration fees for programs and association teams must be approved by the Executive.
  2. Registration fees must be paid in full no later than 1 December.
  3. A non-refundable Administration fee shall be charged for each program based on no more than 25% of the full fee.
  4. Default of payment of registration fees will result in ineligibility of further participation in any of the CAL programs.

By-Law 16: Repeal

  1. All prior ‘Constitution” and ‘By-Laws” of the Church Athletic League are hereby repealed.
  2. PROVISO The repeal of the prior Constitution and By-Laws of the Association shall not impair in any way the validity of any act or thing done pursuant to any such repealed Constitution or By-Law.

By-Law 17: Effective Date

This constitution shall come into force and be effective when confirmed by the members of the Church Athletic League entitled to vote at the members meeting duly called for that purpose.

Jean-Marc Noël Sue Blake
President Secretary

Enacted by the Board of Directors and sealed with the corporate seal this 29th day of November, 2012.